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HOW CAN I serve YOU?
"Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers." ~ Josef Albers (designer)
Group classes
everyday at Cascais Meditation Club,
whatsapp to book a trial class.
Private Classes
whatsapp to book a session.
Pre-recorded course
21 days Meditation Challenge - 21€
Email me to receive the full program and instructions to buy.
life SÚTRA
the balanced performer immersion
opening reservations now
starting january 2025
A Sútra is a piece of condensed knowledge, that reveals a deep wisdom and is understood only by those who are seeking.
In this immersion we will talk about all aspects of life and address techniques to balance them.
This is for you if:
- YOU DON'T HAVE TIME to keep a daily routine or join a club or a group class, but you need results, so you have to try something different that will endure in time - all classes are recorded
- YOU DON'T LIKE GURUS OR TRENDY TALKS, but value trustworthy, proven knowledge with lineage.
- YOUR ARE A SCHOLAR, you don't buy trash-wisdom and you like to study.
- YOU ARE NOT A CALM PERSON, but a productive one, who needs to keep an eye on tools to not feel overwhelmed or stressed.

Creations: Basohli miniature, c. 1730.
National Museum, New Delhi
a parent?
maybe it's time to
avoid burnout
Exhaustion, burnout, depression or anxiety are, unfortunately, the new-normal... All these high-exposure roles increase the risk of loosing yourself, while trying to stand out in a crowd or deal with egos, deadlines or complicated situations. You need to avoid burnout, not only because it's bad for your health,but also because:
- a burnout can make you loose your marriage
- can lead your kids to not look up to you
- addressing the problem will keep you from feeling like a fraude, trying to be one thing and feeling completely the opposite inside
- you will keep your health, glow, and a strong body
- you will inspire other people
And the best thing is, if you do it right:
Life will become simpler and you won't need to be searching for solutions every time something happens.
THE BALANCED PERFORMER IMMERSION is the complete tool kit you need.
If you apply it to your routine, you will always have energy to deal with life - life will never stop, life is movement and you are disposable in the big picture - the only thing we can do is store energy, so you feel balanced throughout everything that happens.
This will lead you to a state of awareness and self-knowledge that will rise your work here on earth - you will become a better artist, a better psychologist, a better mother or husband, a more genuine one, you will find self-love and answers to your philosophical questions and
you will find serenity without the need of validation.
how does it work?
you will learn through 8 modules:
Inspired by the complete and very practical science of Chakras, each module will address a topic of your life, always relating to your body and your daily life actions:
1. Cognitive Wellness
Theory and history about yôga and chakras - a cognitive wellness science.
Small recorded videos and one online live encounter + doubts.
2. ROOTS - Múladhara
Understanding the ancestors effect, roots, the animal me, eating and drinking habits, the beggining of the path through ethics.
Improving Sleep Hygiene: Strategies and techniques to ensure proper rest and recovery.
Small recorded videos and one online live practise + doubts.
3. sexuality - swáddhisthana
A different perspective about sexuality and pleasure. Hidden fears and deep emotions.
Overcoming Anxiety: Identifying anxiety triggers and implementing effective calming strategies.
Small recorded videos and one online live practise + doubts.
4. body awareness - manipura
Self-Knowledge and Body Awareness: Methods to deepen understanding of oneself and one's body. Anger, courage and strength.
Small recorded videos and one online live practise + doubts.
5. connections - anáhata
Building Healthy Relationships: Cultivating meaningful and supportive connections.
Small recorded videos and one online live practise + doubts.
6. performing - vishuddha
Managing Societal Pressure: Techniques to handle external pressures and societal expectations. Find your voice.
Small recorded videos and one online live practise + doubts.
7. meditating - ájña
Balancing Ambition and Ego: Finding fulfillment beyond material pursuits and ego-driven goals.
Small recorded videos and one online live practise + doubts.
8. one-day retreat
A beautiful day together, nourishing your body with healthy, tasty food, deep yôga classes with guest teachers, mantra concert and a few other surprises!